
Welcome handshakeMembership in the Religious Society of Friends is a spiritual commitment, but one should not aspire to have reached a spiritual destination before being “worthy” of applying for membership; it is not a reward for a job well done. Rather, it is a milestone –perhaps even only a beginning –on the spiritual path.

There is no creed to adhere to, but rather, shared principles of belief that are based on Quaker Judeo-Christian heritage and following the Spirit of Christ (the Inward Light, the Divine Seed, That of God in Everyone). There are testimonies that spring from respect for truth; for peace, harmony and a settled intention to practice love; for simplicity, community and the equal worth of all people.

Membership carries with it spiritual obligations. Each member is called to participate in the Meeting’s spiritual life and to attend worship regularly. Members intend to nurture each other’s God-given gifts and talents. They seek guidance from one another and the Meeting in discerning God’s will for themselves and for the group as a whole. They pray for one another.

When an attender has become convinced that the Quaker form of worship is the way to find their true spiritual path and is ready to make a commitment to living in supportive fellowship in the community, they should consider requesting membership.

For more details about the process, please see the membership chapter in the LOFM Handbook